À propos

The Brus­sels Urban Sum­mit (BUS) is an ini­tia­tive of Brus­sels Capi­tal Region, Euro­ci­ties, Metro­po­lis and the OECD Cham­pion Mayors for Inclu­sive Growth Initiative.

BUS asks the big ques­tions because the chal­lenges facing cities today are vast. Cli­mate change, migra­tion, urban growth and inequa­li­ty are put­ting the very fun­da­men­tals of urban life to the test. At the same time, cities are the dri­vers for the inno­va­tion nee­ded for a gree­ner and more inclu­sive future. The big ans­wers we find and the choices we make in the next few years will deter­mine our future for decades to come – for our cities and beyond.

The Brus­sels Urban Sum­mit (BUS) brings toge­ther three inter­na­tio­nal city confe­rences : the 14th Metro­po­lis World Congress, the Euro­ci­ties Annual Confe­rence and the sixth OECD Cham­pion Mayors Sum­mit for Inclu­sive Growth Ini­tia­tive. It gathers over 300 cities world­wide and more than 1000 poli­ti­cians, experts and repre­sen­ta­tives of civil socie­ty to exchange ideas and set the prio­ri­ties for sus­tai­nable, affor­dable, and liveable cities going forward.

We know that for all our diver­si­ty, cities all over the world share com­mon chal­lenges. Offe­ring a varied pro­gramme of ple­na­ry ses­sions, work­shops, side events and site visits, BUS will be a forum for exchange and debate. The sum­mit offers a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to engage in a stra­te­gic glo­bal dia­logue to help define our com­mon urban future.

Lieu:Square Brussels
Mont des Arts, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique